Bamboo for Beverage Containers of Legen and Tuak as a Reflection of Local Wisdom of Tuban Society


  • Listia Natadjaja Fakultas Humaniora dan Industri Kreatif, Universita Kristen Petra
  • Ms. Elisabeth Christine Yuwono Fakultas Humaniora dan Industri Kreatif, Universita Kristen Petra



Bamboo, beverage containers, local wisdom, Tuban society


Legen and tuak beverage container made of bamboo has different names and functions namely bethek, centhak and ongkek. This study aims to see how people use bamboo as part of local wisdom in the form of legen and tuak container. The society gaining knowledge from living with the nature finds that the functions of a bamboo are being thermal insulation, being a not-easily-broken container, maintaining flavor and aroma, and making the content in it more durable. Apparently, the sustainability of this natural-made packaging is not only due to its function which is tangible but also related to the socio-cultural of the local community especially how they produce, consume and distribute legen and tuak.  In practice, local wisdom of bamboo as legen and tuak beverage containers continuously gives attention to the balance of nature that does not destroy or force the nature to produce more than its capacity, it is inherited from generation to generation, and it is correlated to the culture. It contains the philosophy of self-controlled and sharing.

Author Biography

Listia Natadjaja, Fakultas Humaniora dan Industri Kreatif, Universita Kristen Petra

Scopus ID: 36706111400
Sinta ID : 5976134
Google Scholar ID: t6a9ulQAAAAJ


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How to Cite

Natadjaja, L., & Yuwono, E. C. (2023). Bamboo for Beverage Containers of Legen and Tuak as a Reflection of Local Wisdom of Tuban Society. Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual Nirmana, 23(1), 50-58.